My near lifelong passion for the art of the bubble derived from my many entertainment talents spanning magic to ballooning.

The joy of focusing on the art of entertainment for all ages has united my vast skills to focus on all aspects of the simple joys of bubbles and what they mean to everyone. They are universal and speak the common language of wonder and awe. Our world needs more of that.

I believe that all people under one shared love are truly awesome and, much like the bubble itself, ascend to impressive heights.
Souls are like bubbles, so why not share them to present joy and forge fond memories? Souls are timeless and ageless….like bubbles!

I take both a scientific and entertainment approach to my art. I enjoy designing events that bond and uplift both national and global audiences.
Smiles are universal. I keep it educational, entertaining and enlightening and am constantly innovating. There is no limit. Smiles, wows and joy are my bubble juice.

This is why I declare myself a dedicated bubbleologist and am now a perennial record holder.

My quest is to be the very best in this scarce art form. Not for me, but for you, because when it comes to people, know that UR AWESOME!

No event is ever too big!